Reflections on this Past Week
Published on September 29, 2024 | Last updated on September 29, 2024
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As I reflect back on this week of writing, I am touched by how much I'm enjoying it. I'd like to share with you–or my future self–what I've been working on, and a bit of my inner experience this week.
I have been working on Personal Microservices Infrastructure Project. Each step along the way has been an opportunity to learn something new, document a process, or build a new tool to help me.
- I've improved my static site generator used to render the HTML of this website.
- I've built a small web application to interact with a remote libvirt daemon.
- I've written several articles about the mechanics of building a personal cloud
- I've learned much about Terraform and Pulumi
- I've conceived a better way to describe infrastructure using "code." I will write about this in the future
As I've been doing all of this, I've had some time to reflect on what I've been doing.
Writing has helped me express something from the core of my being that is beyond the mind. I've always known, and been told many times that writing helps clarify one's thoughts. This is not surprising. What is surprising is that by writing, I create an opening through which energy from my inner world can radiate outward.
I've also had a few amusing insights:
- The articles I like the best have had the lowest engagement
- Sometimes writing about a programming or infrastructure project takes longer than doing the work
- The real "economy" has always been an attention economy, where attention is the only true scarce currency